Dr. Edmond Locard (13 December 1877 – 4 April 1966) was a pioneer inforensic science who became known as the "Sherlock Holmes of France". He formulated the basic principle of forensic science : "Every contact leaves a trace". This became known as Locard's exchange principle. Thank you Eric for sending me this FDC cover with this French stamp issued on April 18, 2016.
Bonjour à tous! Je collectionne les lettres du monde entier. Envoyez moi une lettre depuis votre pays (avec de beaux timbres!) et je vous en envoie une de France! A bientôt. Send me a cover from your country (with nice stamps!!!) and I'll send you one from France (with nice stamps too!!!). François Leboucher 10 allée du Grand Hunier. F - 44380 Pornichet FRANCE
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lundi 18 avril 2016
Dr. Edmond Locard, French pioneer in forensic science. Edmond Locard, fondateur de la police scientifique.
Dr. Edmond Locard (13 December 1877 – 4 April 1966) was a pioneer inforensic science who became known as the "Sherlock Holmes of France". He formulated the basic principle of forensic science : "Every contact leaves a trace". This became known as Locard's exchange principle. Thank you Eric for sending me this FDC cover with this French stamp issued on April 18, 2016.
Richard Allen, abolitionniste et défenseur des droits civiques des Noirs. Richard Allen, preacher, activist and civic leader.
The 39th stamp in the Black Heritage (date of issue : February 02, 2016) series commemorates preacher, activist, and civic leader Richard Allen (1760-1831), an inspiring figure whose life and work resonate profoundly in American history. This stamp coincides with the 200th anniversary of Allen's founding of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, one of the most important institutions in African-American life, and his election and consecration as its first bishop.
dimanche 17 avril 2016
An Indian cover. Une lettre venue d'Inde.
Merci Shrikant pour cette jolie lettre venue de Palanpur en Inde, affranchie de cinq timbres à 5 roupies.
Thanks Shrikant for this lovely Indian cover from Palanpur with five stamps with a face value of 5 ruppes.
Le tournoi de tennis de Monte-Carlo, Monaco. Monte-Carlo tennis championship, Monaco.
The Monte-Carlo Masters is an annual tennis tournament for male professional players held in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France, a commune that borders on Monaco. The event is part of the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 on the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Tour. The tournament is played on clay courts and is held every year in the April–May period. Today, Rafael Nadal won the title for the ninth time! The nice postmark on this letter celebrates this sport event.
vendredi 8 avril 2016
Les timbres des TAAF de 2016 (1ère partie). The 2016 FSAT stamps (1st part).
Je vous présente aujourd'hui les timbres de 2016 émis début Janvier par les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (bien connues par les philatélistes sous le nom de TAAF!).
Let me show you today the stamps issued on January 2016 by the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF in french). Most of the stamps are issued in January by the FSAT, but some other stamps will be issued throughout 2016. I will present them later.
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Mineral, titanite (Sphene). |
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"Cormoran vert" inn. |
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Algae, diatoms. |
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Fish, Artedidraconidae. |
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Serge Frolow, French meteorologist. |
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Ship, schooner "Rêve". |
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Waterfall "Lozère". |
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Entrecasteaux cape, Amsterdam island. |
25ème anniversaire des barricades de janvier à Riga. The Barricades, Riga, 25th anniversary.
Voici un timbre à 0,54€ historiquement fort intéressant émis le 13 Janvier 2016 par la Lettonie pour commémorer les 25 ans des évènements de janvier, plus connus sous le nom de "Barricades". Ils s'agit de l'invasion des trois pays baltes en janvier 1991 par les troupes soviétiques pour tenter de reprendre le contrôle de ces trois républiques qui s'étaient déclarées indépendantes un an auparavant. Ces manœuvres militaires échouèrent, et l'Estonie, la Lettonie et la Lituanie restèrent libres avant de rejoindre en 2004 l'Union européenne. Merci Juris pour cet envoi.
jeudi 7 avril 2016
Dix fleurs venues d'Amérique. US botanical art, 10 stamps.
The stamp art features ten designs, each a detail of an illustration from an American nursery catalog printed between 1891 and 1912. The design details are courtesy of The New York Botanical Garden; the catalogs are part of NYBG’s Nursery and Seed Catalog Collection, one of the largest and most important such collections in the U.S. Thanks Bryon for sending me this complete set of ten stamps (date of issue : January 29, 2016).
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