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lundi 20 mai 2013

Un papillon : le macroglosse de Croatie. The Croatian olive bee hawk-moth.

 Restons en Croatie aujourd'hui avec une bande de quatre timbres à 4,60 kunas consacrés à un papillon des Balkans : le macroglosse de Croatie (Hemaris croatica). Ce papillon, comme tous ceux du genre Hemaris  est reconnaissable par son allure d'oiseau-mouche.

 The olive bee hawk-moth (Hemaris croatica) is a moth from the family of night moths (sphingidae), thought it is active during daytime! The species was described more than 230 years ago in the area of Karlovac and it is spread far outside Croatian borders living in Mediterranean and Pontus area from Italy, Switzerland, across Balkan peninsula to Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

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